Evaluation Credentials

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How to Start

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Placing the order and sending the documents.

Ordering is very simple:

  1. Fill out the order form and pay with MasterCard, Visa or American Express. Online orders paid this way are discounted. Let us know if you want to pay with PayPal as that is discounted as well. There are several other options like postal mail or wire, but those are not part of the online discount.
  2. Send us copies (we do not want original documents and you should never put your only original in the mail) of your degree certificate/ diploma and academic transcripts/mark sheets. We need this both in your original language (if not English) and a certified translation to English. If they are in English then you do not need to have them translated. There are several options of sending these documents to us. You can fax them using our fax number 866.585.1409. Just mention your name, location, phone number and email address in your cover letter.

For H1B visa, these documents should be sufficient for you. In case of the I-140 (EB3, E3, EB2, Green Card), it is recommended that a course by course evaluation is submitted. You will also need to send your secondary school documents for immigration evaluations and these evaluations, we include as well with no extra charge.


Check out the regular fees for sending your documents for evaluations-
All of the fees are on order form at http://www.applypay.com/
  1. A document evaluation is $70.
  2. A course by course evaluation which will include the courses you took and the earned US GPA. The cost is $150.
  3. If you want to evaluate your educational and professional experience with an opinion letter from your professor or any higher authority that you worked under, you can take our service with a fee of $425. We have been told by employers that we have the highest rate of approvals in the industry.

Electronic Copy

If you order the electronic copy ($20 in #20) you will get the evaluation as a PDF file before we mail it so you can review it. This way we can make corrections such as dates or spelling errors before we send the hard copy. You generally can use the electronic copy of your documents for filing with USCIS, and for colleges or job applications, pending the hard copy. Federal employment and the TN Visa generally require the hard copy.

Rush Services

We have rush services available.

  1. 12-24 hour service (weekends and holidays excluded), is an additional $200. You will get the electronic copy within 24 hours.
  2. 2- 3 business day service (weekends and holidays excluded) is an additional $70.
  3. Our guaranteed 12-hour service (INCLUDING WEEKENDS) is an additional $300.
  4. All the above charges are additional service charges are in addition to the cost of evaluation.

Special Mailing Option

For all documents sent within the US, the Ordinary First Class Mail service is used at no charge. Anything outside the US, priority mail or overnight delivery, is available and the fee is on the order form. In case of overnight mails, priority mails or mail that is to be sent outside of the country, you need to fill out the order form at http://www.applypay.com/

Other special services

We can provide a certification on parchment paper, suitable for framing. You can see a sample here: http://www.thedegreepeople.com/CCI-certification.pdf The cost for this is $100. Check out the service (number 21) from the order form at http://www.applypay.com

Sometimes for overseas use, you will need an Apostille of your documents which adds an extra value to the authenticity of document. You can order it from the order form (number 21) with a cost of $150. Know more about Apostilles by clicking here: http://www.sos.wa.gov/corps/apostilles/aboutus.aspx

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